Gorway Road Crown Green Bowls Club
Don't forget if you wish to purchase club shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces etc. see Gill for prices / styles.
Another Man's Treasure - FOR SALE
Remember - "If you don't want it - someone else might". Advertise your unwanted bowls items (or anything else for that matter), someone else may be able to use them. Give your information to Anne for posting on the site, no promises but at least you have a chance of selling them.!!
We also have a large number of modern paperback novels / some CDs 50p each or 3 for £1 and a selection of jigsaw puzzles from 50p - £1.
Check with Anne
Check the notices in the club house for the trips / events arranged for this season.
Make sure if you wish to take part in any activities you sign the appropriate sheet. It is important the organisers are aware so they can forward any relevant information.
The dates for Winter Indoor Bowls are:
Tuesday 10.00am - 12.00pm October - March TBC.
Thursday 10.00am - 12.00pm October - March TBC.
Wednesday October )
Wednesday November )
Thursday December ) TO BE CONFIRMED
Wednesday January )
Wednesday February )
Wednesday March )
Please check for last minute changes as competition matches at Tamworth will take precedence
For those who have never tried bowling on a full indoor mat, it is well worth the experience.
NOTE THE NEW BOWLING TIMES - All sessions will be 12.00 - 2.00p.m.
It is not known yet if meals will be available at the centre following the bowls sessions.