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The bowls club is officially affiliated to Walsall Cricket Club, as a result our fees are split between the two clubs.


Cricket Club membership - prices available on request
(Membership allows full use of the Cricket Club facilities - pavilion, membership prices at the bar etc). Please note it is a cashless system at the bar, you need your membership card to access discount prices.



Bowls Club membership - £20 per annum. which entitles us to unlimited use of the bowling green throughout the season. There are no hidden extras, no match fees and we have sole use of the facilities, so the only thing stopping us bowling 24/7 is that it gets dark!!



Please note that we have a club kit, which can be purchased at the green, however we only tend to wear the kit when playing matches. For general social play there is no formal dress code but it is essential that only flat shoes are used on the green.

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